5 sentences with 'identifiable'

Example sentences and phrases with the word identifiable and other words derived from it.

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« The success of these plantations depended on the availability of a permanent, abundant, identifiable and skilled labour force. »
« In the New World, the institution of slavery took on a new aspect as the mercantilist system demanded a permanent, identifiable and plentiful supply of labour. »
« The cave wall is covered with red stains, splotches, but between them are prehistoric abstract drawings of animals. Some are clearly identifiable although the outlines are simple. »
« The homogeneity of thought that is supposed to be identifiable within a community owes much to the existence of the mass media. For this reason, they have been characterised as the "creators" of public opinion. »
« As Africans were already familiar with animal husbandry as well as agriculture, had an identifiable skin colour and could be easily supplied by the existing African slave trade, they proved to be the answer to this need. This process laid the foundation for the expansion of New World slavery in the Americas. »

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