9 sentences with 'endowed'

Example sentences and phrases with the word endowed and other words derived from it.

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« The human being is a rational being endowed with consciousness. »

endowed: The human being is a rational being endowed with consciousness.
« Human beings are rational animals endowed with intelligence and consciousness. »

endowed: Human beings are rational animals endowed with intelligence and consciousness.
« Man is the only being endowed by God with free will; thanks to this privilege he can choose, make decisions, act in one way or another. »
« Some floating plants, whose spongy tissues are endowed with air bubbles, do not have roots because they absorb water directly through their bodies. »
« "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness;" »
« The 80 monks who live in Montserrat are mostly Catalans, endowed with the native seny. They know a good deal when they see one. Shops hidden discreetly behind the stone walls do a flourishing trade in religious books, souvenirs and postcards. »
« Among the survivors of this new extinction, the best endowed were the opportunistic species, which in addition to neutralising this poison - oxygen - learned to use it to burn food thoroughly and thus obtain horrors of energy, a source of motive and thermal power such as no prokaryote had ever had. »
« To distinguish his troops from the enemy, Belgrano endowed them with a white and light blue cockade. The illustrious criollo was not satisfied with this and on 27 February 1812 he had his soldiers formed and presented them with the flag he had created, with the same colours as those of the cockade. »
« The genetic code, which has been accumulating packaging and information since the dark ages, will be endowed with a more durable bionic packaging: or is it such a good deal to have a brain like that of John Sebastian Bach or Stephen Hawking, only to have them die at the height of their powers, due to the clogging of some pipes or the loss of insulation of some wires? »

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