7 sentences with 'breathed'

Example sentences and phrases with the word breathed and other words derived from it.

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« According to the legend, a dragon was a fearsome creature with wings that flew and breathed fire. »

breathed: According to the legend, a dragon was a fearsome creature with wings that flew and breathed fire.
« Dondré Green's story breathed new life into that childhood memory. »
« Dr. Boone breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the nurse, "Rib retractor. »
« We fly over a planet with a dense atmosphere composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide. A single breath of air breathed on Venus could kill us. »
« I breathed in the scent of the fronds, a scent like moss after a warm rain. -This would be the smell of the word green if I had it," I said to Grandfather. »
« In Joliet, Illinois, a four-month-old sleeping baby rolled onto a plastic bag left on his bed. As he breathed, he sucked the plastic against his nose and mouth, creating an airtight mask. Minutes later, his father found him dead. »
« Every time she breathed in cigarette smoke, Samantha inhaled cadmium (a carcinogenic metal), ammonia (used in toilet cleaners), benzene (used in the manufacture of DDT), acetone (a powerful solvent), formaldehyde (an ingredient in embalming fluid) and thousands of other toxic gases and suspended solid particles. »

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