12 sentences with 'darker'

Example sentences and phrases with the word darker and other words derived from it.

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« The forest grew darker when the sun finally set. »
« My mood turned darker with each passing gloomy day. »
« He painted the room darker for a mysterious atmosphere. »
« The sky becomes darker as thunderstorms approach rapidly. »
« Lightning made the horizon darker during the stormy night. »
« For shading you can use blusher - which always gives a healthy look - or a darker make-up than the base make-up. »
« Unlike most nocturnal animals, whose backs are darker than their bellies so that they go unnoticed at night, the exact opposite is true for the skunk. »
« Lighter-skinned blacks often looked down on their darker counterparts, an indication of the ways in which both whites and blacks internalised the racism of the time. »
« The base make-up: You should use a light and soft foundation, because dark tones give a stiff look. In the evening, the make-up can be darker and have golden or silver highlights. »
« Unlike the rings we saw so closely on Saturn, which resemble glowing highways of cosmic dust drawn around the planet, Uranus' rings are much darker and narrower and are separated by wide empty spaces. »
« Although Neptune's rings have not been detected, and it is impossible for us to define whether those somewhat darker spots around the planet are indeed rings or clouds of gas running parallel to Neptune's equator, scientists believe that Neptune is indeed surrounded by a ring system like its big brothers Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. »
« For example, if you look closely, you will notice that in one of the darker divisions of Saturn's inner rings, there is another, narrower ring. The strange shape you ask about is because it is not a circular ring, but rather an elliptical profile. What we don't know for sure is whether the changing configurations of Saturn's satellites actually modify the position of the ring divisions, or whether the rotation of the rings around the planet presents different structures to the eye. »

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