9 sentences with 'environments'

Example sentences and phrases with the word environments and other words derived from it.

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« The south offers dreamy environments stretching from the Everglades to the world-famous Keys. »
« The main surprise that archaebacteria gave researchers was their incredible ability to survive in the most hostile environments. »
« Increased human research capacity allows access to environments where animals and plants that were thought to be extinct are appearing. »
« It is interesting to note how important it is, during daylight hours, to be in environments with green plants; at night, on the other hand, we should avoid sleeping with them in our room. »
« However, all plague contagion is possible under certain environmental conditions because fleas can only live in very humid environments with temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. »
« Endowed with a processing capacity and armour like the world has never seen, our genes are on the way to repeating the feat that allowed them to leave the sea and advance on forbidden environments, such as Earth. The next step is outer space. »
« The high pressures generated by the incredible weight of millions of cubic metres of water in the ocean depths prevent the organisms that develop there from migrating to other environments. So the discovery of an animal whose species has remained unchanged for more than 140 million years should come as no surprise. »
« Man's increasing ability to access diverse natural environments - exploration of submarine trenches, high mountain systems, etc. - in order to learn about them and, fundamentally, the need to exploit the world's natural resources to the maximum, explains the recent appearance of species that were thought to be extinct. »
« These environments are replicas of Earth's initial conditions, suggesting that we are dealing with the first life forms - and of course their descendants, since they are resilient but not eternal - that swarmed the hellish primordial oceans. And today the archaeobacteria are still here, immune to evolution or, in their own way, beyond it. »

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