5 sentences with 'upwards'

Example sentences and phrases with the word upwards and other words derived from it.

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« The young dancer jumped very high into the air, spun around, and landed on her feet, with her arms extended upwards. The director clapped and shouted, "Well done!" »

upwards: The young dancer jumped very high into the air, spun around, and landed on her feet, with her arms extended upwards. The director clapped and shouted, "Well done!"
« Gustavo was a diving instructor, but he had acquired all his experience in the sea, where the exit is always upwards. Underwater caverns require special knowledge. »
« Pushing its way through the undergrowth, the sapling grew there, not wasting energy on growing upwards, but concentrating on what was the shortest possible route to sunlight... and to life. »
« Resembling a plant, the sea lily (Gymnorhinus riccheri) is a strange creature, a relative of the starfish. With multiple "arms" pointing upwards, its central mouth is always active to feed on animals and microscopic algae. »
« "Then, everyone answers at the same time with a loud voice, and after they have all spoken to thank him, he tells them about the vision he had drunk with the cohoba that he took through his nose and went up to his head; he says he has spoken with the cemíes, and that the Indians will achieve victory.... Judge how they have their brains, for they say that they have seen the houses with their foundations upwards, and that the Indians walk with their feet looking at the sky." »

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