6 sentences with 'immigrant'

Example sentences and phrases with the word immigrant and other words derived from it.

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« The influx of immigrant labourers swelled and diversified an already crowded urban population. »
« To encourage industry, he gave each male immigrant fifty acres of land, tools and supplies for a year. »
« The Naturalization Act of 1790 defined citizenship in racial terms. To be a citizen of the American republic, an immigrant had to be a "free white person" of "good character". »
« Yet those critical decades of baby boom and economic boom had left their mark in a number of ways, giving rise to social democracy, large immigrant populations and high living standards. Contemporary European politics has grappled with each of these factors in turn. »
« In Lowell, Massachusetts, for example, the daughters of New England farmers found competition from the daughters of Irish farmers suffering the effects of the potato famine; these immigrant women were willing to work for far less and endure worse conditions than the native-born. »
« They also targeted non-white citizens of European countries, citizens born in Europe to immigrant parents. In other words, citizens of immigrant descent were legally equal to any other citizen, but the far right capitalised on a latent racist definition of British or French or Swiss or German as white. »

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