7 sentences with 'bloc'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bloc and other words derived from it.

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« When Gorbachev made good on his promises and protest movements against the communist states began to grow, it was the beginning of the end for the entire Soviet bloc. »
« And finally, by 1955, the Soviets had formalised their own military system with the Warsaw Pact, which bound the Soviet bloc into a network of military alliances comparable to NATO. »
« It was clear that Nikita Khrushchev did not want to follow directly in Stalin's footsteps, but had no intention of allowing real independence in the Soviet bloc countries of Eastern Europe. »
« Non-aligned countries, such as India, tended to sympathise with the "Soviet bloc" (i.e. countries allied with or under the control of the USSR) as much as with the United States and the other major capitalist countries. »
« A French journalist who attended the conference created the term "third world" to describe the bloc of nations: neither the first world of the US and Western Europe, nor the second world of the USSR and its satellites, but the allied bloc of former colonies. »
« However, while the US saw Vietnam as a crucial bulwark against the spread of communism and, as a result, waged a full-scale war, the USSR remained circumspect, focusing on maintaining power and control in the Eastern bloc and avoiding direct military engagement in Vietnam. »
« This vision of a united Europe was originally conceived largely in the hope of creating a power bloc to rival the two Cold War superpowers, but it also embraced a moral vision of an advanced and rational economic and political system, in contrast to the conflicts that had so often characterised Europe in the past. »

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