11 sentences with 'fascist'

Example sentences and phrases with the word fascist and other words derived from it.

« In May 1939 Italy and Germany pledged to ally with each other, more or less as a formality given their long-standing fascist kinship. »
« Many members of this resurgent right wing joined together in France's first openly fascist party since the end of World War II: the Front National. »
« There, the Vichy government quickly established a distinctly French fascist state, with concentration camps, anti-Semitic laws and a state of war with Britain. »
« In the early 1920s, there were fascist movements in many European countries, all agitating for some kind of right-wing revolution against democracy and socialism. »
« Fascist parties were explicitly dedicated to enforcing traditional gender roles, and when some countries were overtaken by fascist rule, women were often forced out of the workplace. »
« When Germany defeated France in World War II, the Nazis found a large contingent of right-wing French who were only too happy to create a French fascist state of their own (a fact many in France tried to forget after the war). »
« Racist, anti-Semitic and obsessed with a notion of French identity embedded in the culture of the Vichy Regime (i.e. the French fascist puppet state under Nazi occupation), France's Front National party remains a powerful force in French politics to this day. »
« That summer, at a staggering rate, SS specialists overseeing the Hungarian fascist police deported more than 500,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz. The vast majority were murdered on arrival; in the autumn of 1944 Auschwitz was operated at its maximum capacity to kill up to 12,000 people per day. »
« One place of particular importance in the early history of fascism was France. There, a right-wing monarchist group called Actione Française had existed since the Dreyfus affair, but transformed itself into a French fascist group despite remaining wedded to traditional monarchist and Catholic ideologies. »
« By July 1943, the Allies were ready to take the fight to Italy itself. The French Vichy territories in North Africa had fallen after earlier ineffective resistance in November 1942, leading Hitler to order the complete occupation of France that same month; the fascist puppet state of the Vichy regime lasted only from June 1940 to November 1942. »
« Almost all the major far-right parties had been fascist or had allied themselves with fascism before the war, and after the war the far-right politicians were forced into political silence by the embarrassing debacle of their pre-war success. Fascist parties did not re-emerge in earnest until the 1960s, and even then they remained marginal groups until the 1990s. »

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