11 sentences with 'shell'

Example sentences and phrases with the word shell and other words derived from it.

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« The snail moves slowly thanks to its protective shell. »

shell: The snail moves slowly thanks to its protective shell.
« Crabs are crustaceans characterized by having two claws and a segmented shell. »

shell: Crabs are crustaceans characterized by having two claws and a segmented shell.
« In the autumn of 1956 I began to come out of my shell. I was still quiet and withdrawn, but I no longer shunned people. »
« My uncle would cook the egg for exactly three minutes and serve it to me in an egg cup. He would show me how to tap around the shell with the edge of the spoon to get the top half out. »
« Teacher Colberg gave me some of her most prized shell specimens, and when another group visited the Museum of Natural History in New York, they brought me a box full of the most wonderful specimens. »
« No amount of skill or bravery mattered if an artillery shell hit the trench where a soldier was standing. Likewise, if ordered to "go over", all that could be hoped for was to survive long enough to be able to retreat. »
« Near the end of the third day, Private Bradish and four of his friends were in a Bradley fighting vehicle. Suddenly an Iraqi tank appeared and fired a shell that pierced the Bradley, causing damage to the interior and wounding all five occupants. »
« One shell from the Philippines that I now know as Tectarius coronatus was perfectly conical, and its entire surface was dotted with sharp, shiny "beads" arranged in tight spirals. The cauris shattered my concept of what is possible in the realm of nature. »
« How could one explain a shell as bizarre as the whelk, with a crown of spiral-shaped protuberances at one end, and an elongated beak at the other? Why was its interior so amazingly sculpted, with smooth, equidistant ribs forming a spiral that extended beyond the reach of my fingers? »
« While the number of cases of shell shock was so great that the medical community of the time could not ignore them, the focus of treatment revolved around trying to force ex-soldiers to somehow "force themselves" to return to normal behaviour (something now recognised as impossible). »
« Some progress was made in treating cases of shell shock through the application of the 'talking cure', an early form of therapy related to the practices of the great psychologist Sigmund Freud, but most of the medical community maintained the assumption that trauma was just a sign of weakness. »

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