11 sentences with 'brightly'

Example sentences and phrases with the word brightly and other words derived from it.

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« The moon shines brightly in the night sky, lighting the way. »

brightly: The moon shines brightly in the night sky, lighting the way.
« The sun was shining brightly, making the day perfect for a bike ride. »

brightly: The sun was shining brightly, making the day perfect for a bike ride.
« The sun shone brightly in the blue sky, while the cool breeze blew on my face. »

brightly: The sun shone brightly in the blue sky, while the cool breeze blew on my face.
« She is a butterfly that floats over the flowers with her brightly colored wings. »

brightly: She is a butterfly that floats over the flowers with her brightly colored wings.
« The sun was shining brightly in the sky. It was a perfect day to go to the beach. »

brightly: The sun was shining brightly in the sky. It was a perfect day to go to the beach.
« More or less shiny, transparent or brightly coloured, crystals were for almost all civilisations subtle instruments also used in the art of healing. »
« On the walls of the rooms, splendid brightly coloured paintings depicted landscapes, scenes of animal life, and men and women carrying out everyday activities. »
« Also found were shrouds painted on canvas, with which the deceased were wrapped. The largest of these measures 3 m by 1.80 m and is painted in brightly coloured oil. »
« In the Doñana reserve, brightly colored lizards bask in the sun; wild boars and weasels prowl among the rosemary and juniper; deer and roe deer roam among the dry land scrub. »
« In another section of the building, Kim pulls back the curtain on a thick window through which a brightly lit room is visible. -This is where the diamonds are cleaned," he says. »
« Balloons are gently blowing in the breeze, and brightly colored ties and paper clip chains hang from the branches of a tree. Those who knew the teenagers buried in this cemetery are not puzzled by these unusual memories, for these girls were very special. »

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