5 sentences with 'inviting'

Example sentences and phrases with the word inviting and other words derived from it.

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« The ice shone in the moonlight. It was like a silver path inviting me to follow it. »

inviting: The ice shone in the moonlight. It was like a silver path inviting me to follow it.
« The next stage of our journey is the two-for-one proposal, explained in the electronic sheet we sent you before inviting you on this tour. »
« Company officials presented this new creation at their Tokyo offices, inviting representatives from their subsidiaries around the world especially for the occasion. »
« Abdulhamit strongly emphasised the empire's Muslim identity, inviting conservative Sunni clerics from across the Islamic world to settle in the empire and playing up the Christian versus Muslim aspect of European aggression. In the process, he moved the empire away from its traditional identity as religiously diverse and tolerant. »
« The dolphins came one after the other, leaping and frolicking as if inviting us to play with them according to their own rules. I resisted the temptation to speed up the boat to accept the challenge of competing in a race. I have tried to do that from time to time, only to learn again that these agile creatures can easily overtake most boats when they move their tail fins a little faster. »

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