7 sentences with 'shopping'

Example sentences and phrases with the word shopping and other words derived from it.

« The churches commanded to rest on Sunday, and not to mention shopping, because the stores were closed stone and mud. »
« Department stores represented the shift in recognisably modern shopping patterns, in which people shopped not only for necessities, but also for small luxuries. »
« The first time a photographer caught Cindy Crawford's face in a shopping mall and suggested that she take up modelling, it turned out that her family didn't have the $500 it cost to take a series of photos of her to put together a presentation album. But the idea excited everyone and they began to save, seduced not so much by the sophistication of the profession, but by how lucrative it could be. »
« Located in a small L-shaped shopping centre, the shop was buzzing with the hum of washing machines, the noise of the television and the laughter and shouts of children. »
« Carla ran back to the shopping centre and searched all the shops. She shouted for the boy, but when there was no answer, she burst into tears. »
« One day, George went to do some shopping and was met by a clerk who apparently had also just arrived in town. »
« Cristee, my wife, a dental hygienist, was shopping in a mall with Brian, our teenage son. »

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