7 sentences with 'convictions'

Example sentences and phrases with the word convictions and other words derived from it.

« Despite the popular reaction provoked both by religious convictions and the simple distaste of being related to apes, the Darwinian theory became one of the founding discoveries of modern biological science. »
« For the rest of the meal, the famous Hollywood actress, who has a deep interest in metaphysics and spiritual matters, as well as strong convictions about the meaning of life, pesters Hawking with questions, eager to know the scientist's views: »
« Jane is a devout Anglican and has strong religious convictions. "If I hadn't had faith in God," she has said, "I wouldn't have been able to marry Stephen. I wouldn't have had the optimism I needed to overcome adversity. He is going into really important territory for people who think. »
« Too often, boys express their own convictions, wait impatiently for others to finish speaking, and then simply repeat what they have said before. »
« Attitudes of tolerance or intolerance towards other ways of thinking and/or acting different from our own are related to the way in which two factors are articulated: that of convictions and that of power. »
« In principle, the problem of tolerance only arises when there are certain convictions that make something intolerant to those convictions, but tolerance and intolerance are only effectively practised when power is exercised over those who disagree with us and is exercised to coerce the contrary. »
« It should be noted that although convictions are lived personally, they are embraced and promoted by organisations that claim to serve them (churches, political parties, social movements, etc.), crystallising in them certain degrees of power. This power is concentrated in any case, especially in the institutions of the state, but the state in turn wants to justify itself on the basis of certain convictions. »
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