6 sentences with 'blurred'

Example sentences and phrases with the word blurred and other words derived from it.

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« There they are! I see the blurred tracks of their shoes. »
« Milt was already in and out of the hospital so often that my memory of my visits there is blurred. »
« Pain in the eye, sudden attacks of blurred vision, rainbow rings around a bright light can be symptoms of glaucoma. »
« The outline of the eyelids should be blurred with a little cotton wool, rolled on the end of a stick, to make it softer. »
« The round face, typical features are: full, round cheeks and soft, blurred lines in the forehead and chin area. To give this face more expression, strong colours are necessary. »
« The lines between the upper echelons of the bourgeoisie and the bulk of the nobility were very blurred by the end of the century, as bourgeois money financed the old noble houses that still had access to the social prestige of a title. »

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