6 sentences with 'trains'

Example sentences and phrases with the word trains and other words derived from it.

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« Are the trains here on time? »
« An American tourist couple took a train in Amsterdam to Osnabrück, Germany, where they were to change trains. »
« By mid-century some trains could go 50 MPH, far faster than any human had ever gone before (except when falling from a great height). »
« Futurist paintings often depicted vast clouds of dark smoke with abstract images of trains and radio towers, or sometimes just mixtures of colours. »
« While Mussolini was often praised in the foreign press, including in American newspapers and magazines, for such achievements as making (a few) Italian trains run on time, in the long run the Fascist government proved to be inefficient and often totally ineffective. »
« The Nazi Adolf Eichmann's biggest job during the war had been to make sure that the trains carrying the victims ran on time and efficiently brought them to their deaths. Eichmann was the quintessential "desk murderer", a man who (apparently) never personally harmed anyone, but who was still responsible for the deaths of millions of people by his actions. »

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