11 sentences with 'revolutionaries'

Example sentences and phrases with the word revolutionaries and other words derived from it.

« The revolutionaries summed up their ideals with the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" - to this day, the official credo of the French state. »
« While some of the early revolutionaries had spoken out in favour of extending rights to Protestants before the Revolution, fewer spoke out on behalf of France's Jewish minority. »
« The revolutionaries in 1793 feared foreign invasion and food shortages, along with royalist uprisings in parts of France itself. The result was the appointment of a dictatorial emergency committee, the Committee of Public Safety, headed by twelve of the most radical members of the republican government. »
« The debate on nationalism begins with the French Revolution, because more than any other event, it was the model for all subsequent nationalisms. The French revolutionaries declared from the outset that they represented the whole "nation", not just a particular part of it. »
« The French revolutionaries erased the legal privileges of some (the nobles) over others, put religion at the service of secular government and, when threatened by the conservative powers of Europe, called the whole "nation" to arms. »
« Like the French revolutionaries in the early phase of the revolution, most early 19th century liberals considered constitutional monarchy to be the most reasonable and stable form of government. »
« The problem for revolutionaries across Europe was that only in France did the king remain permanently out of power. »
« Lenin created the concept of the "vanguard party": a dedicated group of revolutionaries who would lead both workers and peasants in a mass uprising. »
« By 1917, the Bolsheviks were a highly organised militant group of revolutionaries with contacts in the army, navy and working classes of the major cities. »
« In 1959, Cuban revolutionaries overthrew the right-wing dictator Fulgencio Batista (who had been an American ally), and fearing American intervention, eventually allied themselves with the USSR. Thus, when Kennedy took office in 1960, he faced not only the growing technological and military might of the USSR itself, but what he saw as a Soviet puppet on America's doorstep. »
« In addition to the division that had arisen among the Buenos Aires revolutionaries and the failure of the military expedition to Paraguay, there was the defeat suffered in the battle of Huaqui. »
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