6 sentences with 'legitimate'

Example sentences and phrases with the word legitimate and other words derived from it.

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« The Umayyads were capable administrators and skilful generals and most Muslims saw the Umayyad rulers as the legitimate caliphs. »
« Thus, in a surprisingly short time, the French state was forced to accept that legitimate power belonged to the nation as a whole, not to the king, and that all citizens should be equal before the law. »
« Napoleon's family was not wealthy, but he had a legitimate noble title recognised by the French state, which meant that he was eligible to join the ranks of noble monopolies such as the officer corps of the French army. »
« The Goths had won the support of most Italians through fair government and reasonable levels of taxation, and most Italians thus fought against the Byzantines, even though the Byzantines represented the legitimate Roman government. »
« The "Anti-Dreyfus" argued that no Jew could really be a Frenchman and that Dreyfus, as a Jew, was inherently predisposed to lie and cheat, while Dreyfus' supporters argued that anyone could be a true and legitimate French citizen, including Jews. »
« Pieces of foreign territory, political unions with closely related German territories and the growth of German military power were seen by desperate British and French politicians as things about which Germans could have legitimate grievances, and so they played on the idea that Germany, and even more so Hitler, could be appeased once these issues were addressed. »

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