3 sentences with 'winners'

Example sentences and phrases with the word winners and other words derived from it.

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« Only if this philosophy governs the choice of the winner of the next Nobel Peace Prize - and, in the future, of other winners - Alfred Nobel's dream will not have been in vain. »
« Significantly, this was the only war that France "won" in the course of the 18th century, and it gained nothing more than the satisfaction of having finally defeated its British enemy. The real winners were the American colonists who could now create an independent nation. »
« In 1910 Japan annexed Korea and restored the country to its former name of Chosen. But the Second World War put things back in place, which was the place of the winners of the war: Korea was liberated and divided in two: the southern part came under the domination of the United States. The northern part fell under the influence of what was until not so long ago the Soviet Union. (How many surprises the map still has in store for us...!). »

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