11 sentences with 'bourgeois'
Example sentences and phrases with the word bourgeois and other words derived from it.
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• « Workers were forbidden to form trade unions and even the relatively prosperous bourgeois were not wealthy enough to vote. »
• « Victoria's astonishingly long reign, from 1837 to 1901, coincided with the triumph of bourgeois norms of behaviour among the elite. »
• « In the context of his own deeply Victorian, bourgeois society, Freud identified that the demands of the Superego were primarily concerned with the suppression of desires arising from the Id. »
• « The bourgeois were increasingly proud of their identity as "self-made" men, men whose financial success was based on intelligence, education and competence rather than on noble privilege and inheritance. »
• « The irony of Louis Philippe's "July Monarchy" is that it demonstrated some of the limitations of the liberalism of the time. The electorate was very small, composed of the wealthy (both nobles and bourgeois). »
• « That society, with its bourgeois norms, its triumphant self-confidence and its deeply ingrained "scientific" social and racial attitudes, was in the process of taking over much of the world at precisely the same time. »
• « It was this latter conscious bourgeoisie that would play an important role in the revolutions of the end of the century. The bourgeois class (literate and urban) was also among those most interested in the ideas of the Enlightenment. »
• « Two classics of horror literature, Dracula and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, deal with the monsters lurking in bourgeois society. Both were written about Victorian elites who were actually terrible beasts, just beneath the surface of their respectable exteriors. »
• « In turn, the nobles were wary of the middle class, especially as many bourgeois were attracted to potentially disruptive ideologies such as liberalism and, increasingly, nationalism, but over the course of the century the two classes tended to mix along wealth lines. »
• « The problem of Marxist theory that Russian Marxists faced was that, according to Marx, a revolution could only occur in an advanced industrial society. The proletariat would recognise that it had "nothing to lose but its chains" and would overthrow the bourgeois order. »
• « Many bourgeois saw the old order as an archaic throwback, something that limited both their own ability to make money and society's possibilities for further progress. At the same time, they defined themselves by the fact that they did not work with their hands to earn a living; they were neither farmers, craftsmen nor industrial workers. »
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