10 sentences with 'abstract'

Example sentences and phrases with the word abstract and other words derived from it.

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« A map is a representation of a space, whether physical or abstract. »

abstract: A map is a representation of a space, whether physical or abstract.
« The artist's abstract painting caused controversy among art critics. »

abstract: The artist's abstract painting caused controversy among art critics.
« We admired the abstract polychrome painting that hung in the museum. »

abstract: We admired the abstract polychrome painting that hung in the museum.
« Whatever its significance, the fact remains that this abstract art reveals a stylistic constant that has been repeated over time. »
« Futurist paintings often depicted vast clouds of dark smoke with abstract images of trains and radio towers, or sometimes just mixtures of colours. »
« The cave wall is covered with red stains, splotches, but between them are prehistoric abstract drawings of animals. Some are clearly identifiable although the outlines are simple. »
« In both revolutions, ideas that had remained in the abstract during the Enlightenment manifested themselves in the form of new constitutions, laws and principles of government, and in both cases, one of the by-products was violent upheaval. »
« The main point of Expressionism was to show the inner life of the artist through abstract, often disturbing images. The guiding concept was not to represent things "as they are", but to reflect the disturbing realities of the artist's mind and spirit. »
« In some ways, in contrast to the abstract nature of national identity among nationalists, liberalism had direct beliefs, all of them reflecting not only abstract theories but also the concrete examples of the American and French liberal revolutions of the previous century. »
« While acknowledging the problems with survey methodology, the fact remains that public opinion remains an abstract, imaginary homogenous and stable entity, present in discussions of public issues, both among politicians and in the media, and is often used as an argument of authority. »

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