Sentences with 'freedoms'

Example sentences and phrases with the word freedoms and other words derived from it.

« Those who lost out under absolutism were the peasants: especially in Central and Eastern Europe, the freedoms the peasants had enjoyed before 1650 were increasingly eroded as the new absolutist monarchs reached agreements with their nobility ratifying the nobility's right to control the peasantry completely. »
« With this in mind, the legacy of the youth movement was profound. While no country in the Western world witnessed a true political revolution along the lines envisioned by the radicals of the time, there is no doubt that Western culture as a whole became much more accepting of personal freedoms, especially with regard to sexuality, and less puritanical and rigid in general. »
« The State acts in accordance with the law - elaborated by the Legislative Branch - and has a control - exercised by the Judicial Branch - that guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms. It involves a Constitution, a central government, regional and local governments, a public administration, economic and social functions, autonomous political and legal bodies. »
« Through law, control of citizens' conduct is established in order to maintain order, and legal control over the organs of the State; the rights and freedoms of citizens are enshrined and protected; and it can be an instrument, in the hands of the State, to promote social change. »

See sentences with related words - 1998 - 2022