5 sentences with 'trappings'

Example sentences and phrases with the word trappings and other words derived from it.

« At the same time, the Church was divided between a 'High Church' faction that favoured all the trappings of Catholic ritual, and a 'Puritan' faction that wanted a moralistic and austere approach to Christianity, more akin to Calvinism than Catholicism. »
« Charles II was a cousin of Louis XIV of France and, like his father, attempted to adopt the trappings of absolutism although he recognised that he could never achieve a government like that of Louis XIV (nor did he attempt to dismiss parliament). »
« Subsequently, conservatives themselves began to adopt some of the trappings of nationalism in the name of preserving their own power; as discussed below, the most notable successes of nineteenth-century nationalism, those of Italy and Germany, were led by conservative politicians, not utopian insurgents. »
« The newcomers quickly organised themselves into communities and the trappings of 'civilised' life - shops, saloons, libraries, theatre companies and fraternal lodges - began to appear. Newspapers were established and musicians, singers and troupes of actors arrived to entertain the gold seekers. »
« Many of the trappings of domestic life, such as carpets, lamps, china, upholstered furniture, books and musical instruments - all the accoutrements of comfortable living for Southern whites - were manufactured in the North or in Europe. »

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