6 sentences with 'inability'

Example sentences and phrases with the word inability and other words derived from it.

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« Despite their inability to impose absolutism over the vast extent of their territories, the Habsburg line produced very effective rulers in the 18th century in particular. »
« In March 1818, General Andrew Jackson, frustrated by his inability to punish the Creek and Seminole raiders, pursued them across the international border into Spanish Florida. »
« One of the main problems faced by a child in the desert, due to the limited amount of water they drink, is their inability to digest the fat in cow's, goat's or sheep's milk, which also becomes hazardous to their health. »
« However, when the economic boom ended, immigrants were quickly castigated for their supposed laziness, their penchant for crime and their inability to assimilate - in a word, they were the scapegoats for everything that went wrong with the economy and social issues in the post-boom era. »
« Eventually, there was simply too much out there and not enough people could afford to buy it, since one of the things about the proletariat, one of their forms of "alienation", was their inability to buy the very things they made. This resulted in a "crisis of overproduction" and a massive economic collapse. »
« The high price of slaves in the 1850s and the inability of the natural increase to meet demand led some Southerners to demand the reopening of the international slave trade, a move that caused a rift between the Upper South and the Lower South. Whites in the Upper South who sold slaves to their counterparts in the Lower South were concerned that reopening the trade would drive down prices and thus hurt their profits. »

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