6 sentences with 'hesitant'

Example sentences and phrases with the word hesitant and other words derived from it.

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« I am a real estate broker and often have to deal with hesitant buyers. »
« I was hesitant: I wanted to audition, but I was afraid I wouldn't make it. »
« There would be harsh and official religious intolerance well into the 19th century, but even pious monarchs were very hesitant to initiate or engage in large-scale warfare in the name of religious belief. »
« The fact that the former showed less than half as much cortisol in their blood as the monkeys without "personality" suggests that, in a stressful situation, baboons with a hesitant character are the most affected". »
« They were so preoccupied with maintaining control of territories that they were hesitant to participate in military campaigns of any kind, and therefore rarely engaged in battles against other polis before the outbreak of war against Athens in the 4th century BC. »
« Although the Allied authorities were able to piece together the basic features of the Holocaust, several aspects remained obscure for decades. Most survivors were deeply hesitant to talk about what they had been through, and even in the newly founded Jewish state of Israel, most attention focused on acts of resistance of symbolic importance, such as the famous Warsaw ghetto uprising of the Jews in 1944, rather than on the millions who died. »

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