6 sentences with 'dizzying'

Example sentences and phrases with the word dizzying and other words derived from it.

« However, it was not only nobles who participated in the dizzying web of trade in favours, gossip and bribes at Versailles. »
« The naturopathic remedy industry is growing at a dizzying pace, and its products are so popular that they have overflowed from specialist shops to fill the shelves of many pharmacies. However, doubts still abound as to their actual efficacy. »
« The dizzying cycle repeats and repeats: one jumps, the other climbs. »
« What other consequences will this dizzying advance of man's quest for well-being bring? It is difficult to predict, in a world where Frankenstein may look like a warm and innocent electric blanket. »
« Without computers, the most dizzying disorganisation would take over the human: states would be unable to collect taxes or manage budgets, multinationals would explode into incoherent fragments, banks would lose all control over their funds, international trade would get stuck in an incomprehensible bottleneck of stocks, sales and collections impossible to disentangle, telephones would suddenly go silent, rail networks would be a continuous massacre of trains ramming into trains and high-traffic airports, a deadly aerial circus of crashing jumbo jets. »
« A case in point: the clinician who has ten patients in his waiting room and an inevitably limited knowledge of the dizzying progress of medicine today. »
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