4 sentences with 'worldly'

Example sentences and phrases with the word worldly and other words derived from it.

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« Quakers rejected the idea of worldly rank, believing instead in a radical new form of social equality. »
« That spiritual awakening was explicitly focused on what he described as the "Hierarchical Church": not just a worldly institution offering guidance to Christians, but the only way to salvation, imbued by God himself with spiritual authority. »
« They also supported Protestant ministers such as Charles Grandison Finney, who preached that all people possessed free will, which meant they could change their lives and achieve their own salvation, a message that resonated with members of the middle class, who already believed that their worldly efforts had led to economic success. »
« Likewise, many princes realised that Protestantism often caused political problems in their territories; although many of the German princes had originally supported Luther to protect their own political independence, many others realised that the last thing they wanted were independent-minded denominations in their territories, some of which might reject their worldly authority altogether (as did the German peasants who rose up in 1524). »

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