12 sentences with 'suppress'

Example sentences and phrases with the word suppress and other words derived from it.

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« Leaders suppress rumors to maintain public trust in communities. »
« The government strives to suppress dissent during national crises. »
« Scientists work tirelessly to suppress errors in experimental data. »
« Engineers design systems to suppress noise in industrial environments. »
« Parents often suppress negative reactions to promote calm discussions. »
« The narcotic would give him the illusion that he could breathe well and suppress his cough reflex. »
« In February 1848 in France, the unpopular King Louis Philippe unwisely attempted to suppress the gatherings of would-be reformers. »
« Two types of anti-addiction drugs are being developed: those that block the effects of the drug (antagonists) and those that suppress the need to use (agonists). »
« If there was a silver lining, it was that rulers did all they could to suppress future outbursts of religiously inspired violence in the name of maintaining order and control. »
« Thus, in this case, the cultural bias pitting European Christians against (perceived) non-European Muslims proved stronger than the pragmatic, conservative concern to suppress revolutions among European powers. »
« For practical political reasons, the Pope and various rulers were unwilling or unable to use force to suppress Protestantism at first, as seen in Charles V's failed attempts to curtail the spread of Lutheranism. »
« The Iraq war thus became a costly military occupation rather than an easy regime change, and in the years that followed internal violence and US attempts to suppress Iraqi insurgents resulted in more than a million deaths (estimates are notoriously difficult to verify, but the death toll could actually be more than two million). »

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