5 sentences with 'indulgences'

Example sentences and phrases with the word indulgences and other words derived from it.

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« The specific phenomenon brought about by the Protestant Reformation was the sale of indulgences by the Church. »
« Naturally, most people preferred to go directly to heaven if possible, and so the Church found that the sale of indulgences to avoid time in purgatory was enormously popular. »
« Martin Luther was a German Catholic monk who took issue with the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences, documents that absolved sinners of their errant behaviour. »
« He called for the publication of the Bible in everyday language, opposed the church's policy of imposing tithes (a required payment to the church that seemed to enrich the clergy), and denounced the buying and selling of indulgences. »
« At first, indulgences were granted by the Pope for good deeds that were supported by the Church; they were strongly associated with the Crusades, both to mitigate the normal spiritual consequences of the atrocities committed by the Crusaders and to reward the Crusaders for trying to reclaim the Holy Land for the Church. »

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