11 sentences with 'cultivate'

Example sentences and phrases with the word cultivate and other words derived from it.

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« It is important to cultivate strong friendships. »

cultivate: It is important to cultivate strong friendships.
« Kindness is a virtue that everyone should cultivate. »

cultivate: Kindness is a virtue that everyone should cultivate.
« After experiencing loneliness, I learned to enjoy my own company and to cultivate self-esteem. »

cultivate: After experiencing loneliness, I learned to enjoy my own company and to cultivate self-esteem.
« To serve is to give a flower that is by the roadside; to serve is to give an orange from the tree that I cultivate. »

cultivate: To serve is to give a flower that is by the roadside; to serve is to give an orange from the tree that I cultivate.
« Even nobles who had joined the nobility in the last generation tended to cultivate a practised hatred of mere merchants, their social inferiors. »
« People who take steps to prevent or eliminate abdominal obesity do much more than cultivate a pleasing appearance - they lay the foundation for a healthier and longer life. »
« A loving relationship is the garden where we plant, cultivate and harvest the most wonderful of crops - our own self - and where our partner has the same fertile soil in which to flourish. »
« Sugar quickly became the colonial commodity, enormously valuable in Europe and relatively easy to cultivate (compared to exotic products such as spices, which could only be obtained from Asian sources). »
« With this in mind, what differentiated Middle Eastern economic systems from many other societies (such as Europe at the time, with the exception of Renaissance Italy) was the care taken by rulers to cultivate trade. »
« As a result, there was a great expansion between 1000 and 1300 from the mid-latitudes of Europe northwards and eastwards, as the farming population took advantage of the new technology (and the growing population) to clear and cultivate what had been forest, scrub or swamp. »
« The irony of the wealth generated by the American mines is that it undermined the long-term vitality of the Spanish state itself: Spain did not have to cultivate trade or pursue technological or bureaucratic innovation in the same way as the other European powers because it had a huge surplus of precious metals. »

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