7 sentences with 'mystical'

Example sentences and phrases with the word mystical and other words derived from it.

« Medieval alchemists such as Berzelius, Roger Bacon and others kept mentioning that their knowledge came from Atlantis and its mystical legacy. »
« The Safavids were a clan of Sufi (Islamic mystical) peers, masters or spiritual leaders, who were also capable of military and political organisation. »
« The appeal to a mystical, millennia-old identity helped unite the fractious Turkic tribes and Ismail was able to bring all of Persia under his rule in a short time. »
« Loyola wrote a book, the Spiritual Exercises, which encouraged a mystical veneration of the Church and unconditional devotion to its institutions. »
« In contrast to the austerity and even harshness of Lutheranism and (especially) Calvinism, the Catholic Church came to offer a mystical and emotional form of both worship and religious experience that was very attractive to many who might originally have been alienated from the institution. »
« Tsar Nicholas I was far less mystical than his brother had been, but he was equally adamant in his opposition to any loosening of the Russian social order. »
« The themes of their Russian art dealt both with the thorny political issues of their time and with a kind of ongoing spiritual quest to understand the Russian 'soul', something usually identified with both nature and the mystical qualities of the Russian Orthodox Church. »

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