5 sentences with 'citing'

Example sentences and phrases with the word citing and other words derived from it.

« The French king, Charles VIII, decided to take control of Milan, citing a dubious claim tied up in the web of dynastic marriage, and a Milanese pretender invited to France to help him take control of the despotism in 1494. »
« While Europeans tended to justify their conquests by citing a "civilising mission" that would bring the guiding lights of Christianity and Western civilisation to supposedly ignored regions, there was another factor at play that provided a much more tangible excuse for conquest: rivalry between European states. »
« In 1964, citing a fabricated attack on a US ship in the Gulf of Tonkin, President Lyndon Johnson called for a full-scale armed response, which opened the door to a real commitment to war (technically, however, war was never declared, and the entire conflict constituted a "police action" from the perspective of US policy). »
« He argued that his plan would satisfy creditors, citing the goal of "doing justice to the nation's creditors". »
« The resolutions introduced the idea of nullification, the right of states to nullify acts of Congress, and advanced the states' rights argument. However, the resolutions failed to gain the support of other states. In fact, most states rejected them, citing the need for a strong national government. »

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