11 sentences with 'humanistic'

Example sentences and phrases with the word humanistic and other words derived from it.

« The Greeks of the Classical Age deserve credit for an intellectual culture that gave rise to remarkable innovations: humanistic art, literature, and a new focus on the rational mind's ability to learn about nature and improve politics and social organisation. »
« By the 16th century, a wide cross-section of European elites, including nobles, merchants and priests, were educated in the humanistic tradition. »
« However, there is an important caveat to be made when discussing humanistic education. While most male humanists supported education for girls, they insisted that it should be very different from that offered to boys. »
« Desiderius Erasmus (1466 - 1536): Erasmus was a surprisingly erudite priest who benefited from both the traditional scholastic education of the late medieval church and the new humanistic style that emerged from the Renaissance. »
« The greatest achievement of the Italian Renaissance, despite the greater importance given to Renaissance art, was probably humanistic education. »
« Thus, although not as glamorous as beautiful paintings or soaring buildings, the practical effects of humanistic education led to its widespread adoption throughout most of Europe. »
« Even the Church, which continued to educate its priests in the older scholastic tradition, welcomed the addition of humanistic forms of education in some respects. »
« The founding figure of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, used the humanistic education that had become increasingly common for church members in formulating his arguments. »
« Martin Luther received both a scholastic and a humanistic education, eventually becoming a professor at the small university in the Holy Roman city of Wittenberg. There, far from the centres of spiritual and secular power, he contemplated the Bible, the Church and his own spiritual salvation. »
« In the seminaries all priests would acquire a solid scholastic education (and, soon, most seminaries also included a humanistic education), fluency in Latin, and a thorough knowledge of the Bible and the writings of major Christian thinkers. »
« Ultimately, at least among some kings and nobles in Western Europe, humanistic education and the traditional martial values of the nobility were combined with a practical knowledge, or at least appreciation, of mercantile techniques. »

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