Sentences with 'disruptive'

Example sentences and phrases with the word disruptive and other words derived from it.

« As early as the 1460s, the printing press introduced disruptive ideas in the form of the next best-seller to follow the Bible itself, a work advocating the pursuit of salvation without reference to the Church entitled The Imitation of Christ. »
« The problem was that although most of the leading figures of the Enlightenment were themselves social elites, their thought was ultimately disruptive to the Christian society of the orders. »
« Many of the great Russian novelists spent at least part of their lives in Siberia as a result; even Dostoevsky, who ended up as a deeply conservative thinker hostile to radical, or even disruptive, politics, spent part of his life in exile. »
« Most disruptive to the unity of the young nation, however, was that the debaters divided along sectional, not party lines. With only a few exceptions, Northerners supported the Tallmadge Amendment regardless of party affiliation, and Southerners opposed it despite partisan differences on other issues. It failed to pass, and the crisis over Missouri led to strident calls for disunity and threats of civil war. »

See sentences with related words - 1998 - 2022