5 sentences with 'financing'

Example sentences and phrases with the word financing and other words derived from it.

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« Finally, his idea of founding a bank of doctors for underdeveloped countries took shape, although the problem of financing still had to be solved. »
« The revolutionaries faced many difficulties as British superiority on the battlefield became evident and the difficulty of financing the war caused tensions. »
« Thus, Isabella of Spain was not alone in financing explorers seeking to reach the East by easier routes when she supplied Columbus with her ships and sailors. »
« The Medici spent vast sums on the city itself, financing the creation of churches, orphanages, municipal buildings and the completion of the great dome of the city's cathedral, once the largest free-standing dome in Europe. »
« Suleiman was not just a conqueror, however. He oversaw vast building campaigns, financing the construction of mosques, madrasas (schools of Islamic scholarship), caravanserais (trading posts) and other public buildings that served both practical purposes and extended the sultan's power and influence. »

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