8 sentences with 'bank'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bank and other words derived from it.

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« The piggy bank was full of bills and coins. »

bank: The piggy bank was full of bills and coins.
« The ruthless criminal robbed the bank and escaped with the loot, leaving the police in a desperate search. »

bank: The ruthless criminal robbed the bank and escaped with the loot, leaving the police in a desperate search.
« Instantly they were surrounded by darkness that melted trees, bank and water into one black mass. »
« Although Napoleon had established the first national bank in 1800, the banking system as a whole was rudimentary and capital was restricted. »
« When they reached the bank of another river, they saw that there was nothing left of the third bridge. Alarmed, the guide walked up and down the river, but could not find a place to ford. »
« Instead of seeking to directly expand the country's infrastructure, the Qajar state handed out "concessions" to European banks, companies and individuals to build railways, issue bank notes and, in one notorious case, monopolise the production and sale of tobacco. »
« A letter of credit could be issued from a bank branch for a certain amount, redeemable only by the owner of the account. That individual could then travel to any city with a Venetian bank branch and redeem the letter of credit, which could be spent on trading goods. »
« The concept of indulgences was based on the notion of a "treasury of merit" - a kind of spiritual bank - whose savings had been deposited by the sacrifices made by Christ and the saints. When someone bought an indulgence, they drew on that treasury to avoid time in purgatory. »

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