5 sentences with 'entrenched'

Example sentences and phrases with the word entrenched and other words derived from it.

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« At a given time and on a given day, an entrenched virus can wake up and destroy all or part of the contents of a computer network's main memory. »
« Where slavery was entrenched, anti-slavery advocates argued, there was little land left for small farmers to buy, and these men could not compete fairly with slaveholders who owned large farms and slave crews. »
« The elite Republican revolutionaries did not envision an entirely new society; traditional ideas and categories of race and gender, order and propriety remained firmly entrenched among members of their privileged class. »
« The king reluctantly realised that only by taxing the nobility and, perhaps, the Church could he raise the necessary revenue. Louis XVI was thus confronted with the entrenched interests of the most powerful classes in his kingdom. »
« Similarly, the feudal system had never been so entrenched in Italy: there were lords and vassals, but especially in the cities there was a large and strong independent class of artisans and merchants who resisted submission to the lords, especially those who did not live in the cities. »

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