What does «guampudo» mean in Spanish?

  • Horned, animal that has antlers or large horns.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina - Bolivia - Uruguay

    Examples of use in Spanish: "el ganado criollo cimarrón era guampudo".

    "el toro es guampudo".

  • Cuckold, it is said of someone who is cheated on by his or her partner. It is often used as an insult.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina - Bolivia - Uruguay

    Examples of use in Spanish: "él es un guampudo, en todo el barrio se comenta que la mujer lo engaña".

  • Of bad predisposition, bad person, authoritarian or resentful. It is often used as an insult.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay

    Examples of use in Spanish: "el muy guampudo no me dejó entrar a la discoteca".

  • Insult equivalent to "unhappy!".

    ♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay

    Examples of use in Spanish: "¡Callate, guampudo!".

    "¡sos un guampudo asqueroso!".
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