What does «fatal» mean in Spanish?
- Fixed by destiny.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el fin fatal de nuestra vida".
- Dire, fateful.
Examples of use in Spanish: "fatal resolución".
- Inevitable, it must happen.
Examples of use in Spanish: "consecuencia fatal".
- Very bad, very bad, very bad.
Examples of use in Spanish: "película fatal".
- That brings bad consequences.
Examples of use in Spanish: "error fatal".
- Deadly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "fue un accidente fatal que se llevó 5 vidas".
- That seduces.
Examples of use in Spanish: "mujer fatal".
- (estar fatal) Not being in good health.
Examples of use in Spanish: "estoy fatal, me duele mucho la panza, creo que no iré al trabajo hoy".
- (estar fatal) Very bad.
Examples of use in Spanish: "canta fatal".
- (estar fatal) A term or period of time that cannot be extended.