What does «clineja» mean in Spanish?

  • Hair braid.

    ♦ Used in: Venezuela

    Examples of use in Spanish: "se hizo una clineja que le quedó hermosa".

    "están muy de moda las clinejas en las niñas".

  • Braided rope (elaborated in the form of a braid).

    ♦ Used in: Cuba - Dominican Republic - Puerto Rico

    Examples of use in Spanish: "tengo en el patio una hermosa hamaca de clinejas".

  • Braided fabric made from parts of plants such as palm buds, corn leaves, guineo husks, emajagua or maguey fibers and is used to make cots, hammocks, ropes, cinches, etc.

    ♦ Used in: Puerto Rico
  • (queso clineja) Also called trenza cheese, it is a type of artisan cheese made in Venezuela.

    ♦ Used in: Venezuela
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