What does «ablandar» mean in Spanish?
- To make something soft or softer.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el calor ablanda la cera".
- Laxar, to loosen.
Examples of use in Spanish: "puedes ablandar la mugre muy pegada a tu ropa con este producto antes de meterlo en el lavarropas".
- To soothe anger, soften fierceness or anger; also to convince or make someone give in.
Examples of use in Spanish: "le ablandaron sus lágrimas".
"las súplicas desesperadas no lo ablandaron, mi padre siguió firme con su castigo a mi hermana".
- Facilitate bowel movements; laxative.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la ciruela ablanda el vientre".
- Oozing of a lump or swelling in the body.
- To reduce or calm inclement weather, especially the rigor of winter; to begin to melt snow; to temper.
- To calm or give up its strength to the wind.
- (ablandarse) To feel fear; to cower.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se ablandó al ver una figura moverse en la oscuridad".
- (ablandarse) Becoming more docile.
Examples of use in Spanish: "ablandarse con la edad".