What does «chispar» mean in Spanish?

  • To bring and carry gossip; to gossip, gossip.
  • To fall a few drops of rain; to drizzle.
  • (chisparse) To escape quickly; to get rid of something; to get away, to hide, to get away.

    ♦ Used in: Guatemala - Mexico - Salvador

    Examples of use in Spanish: "se chispó de su casa al llegar la policía para buscarlo".

    "se me chispó la palabrota sin querer".

  • (chisparse) Exit.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "se le chisparon los ojos al ver semejante mujer".

  • (chisparse) To break down some artifact; to break down.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "el aparato se chispó".

  • (chisparse) To get slightly drunk.

    ♦ Used in: Spain
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